🧘🏽‍♀️Full Moon Meditation with Special Guest Yogi @Oseias.Yoga.Brasil 🌸


🧘🏽‍♀️Full Moon Meditation with Special Guest Yogi @Oseias.Yoga.Brasil 🌸 by Yoga-With-Nico

Yogi Oseias shares his knowledge of yoga philosophy, indigenous wisdom, and pranayama in this Full Moon Meditation video. He emphasizes the importance of being connected to oneself, which can be achieved by breathing with more awareness. He guides viewers through pranayama exercises and a meditation with alternate nostril breathing, and discusses the importance of posture, comfort, and focus during meditation. Oseias invites viewers to subscribe to his channel for more explanations and to take private yoga classes with him. He suggests that even in times of chaos, it is still possible to find inner peace by training oneself to stay focused and centered.


In this section, Yogi Oseias introduces himself as a yoga teacher from Brazil and shares that he is starting a YouTube channel to share his knowledge of yoga philosophy, indigenous wisdom, and other topics related to yoga. He emphasizes the importance of being connected to oneself, which can be achieved by breathing with more awareness. Yogi Oseias then guides the viewers through a pranayama breathing exercise to help align and prepare them for meditation, which involves finding a comfortable seated position with an erect spine and deepening their breath.


In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to do a meditation with alternate nostril breathing. He explains that the idea is to be comfortable, so you can use a chair if sitting on the floor is difficult for you. To begin, the index finger and middle finger of your right hand are placed gently on the point between your eyebrows. The thumb and ring finger are used to open and close the nostrils as you breathe normally, alternating between each nostril. The instructor emphasizes bringing awareness to your breath and relaxing your body while doing this meditation.


In this section, Oseias and the host discuss the importance of pranayama to calm the mind and prepare for meditation in Hatha Yoga. They also mention the four pillars of Hatha Yoga, which include pranayama, mudras, bandhas, and meditation. Oseias invites viewers to subscribe to his channel for more explanations about these topics and to take private yoga classes with him. They then proceed to a short five-minute meditation where they observe their own breath to help them reach a meditative state.


In this section, Oseias discusses the importance of posture and comfort during meditation. He suggests using asanas to strengthen the body, but also recommends adjusting positions and using pillows if needed to ensure maximum relaxation. He then guides viewers to concentrate on their breath and observe its natural rhythm, bringing their awareness to the entrance of their nostrils. By focusing solely on the breath and ignoring external distractions, meditators can reach a meditative state.


In this section, the yogi instructs the viewers to observe their own breath and not to worry if thoughts come to mind. Instead, they should bring their focus back to their breathing and gently observe what the mind brings. After a few minutes of breath observation, the yogi instructs the viewers to take a deep breath and slowly open their eyes. The practice is referred to as Darana, a training of the mind to direct it towards where we want it to be. A five-minute practice can help individuals achieve a meditative state and calm the mind. It is suggested that viewers practice finding a quiet place every day to focus on their breathing and observe their thoughts.


In this section of the video, the guest Yogi invites the viewers to continue on their meditation journey and reap numerous benefits from it, such as better sleep and improved well-being. Private classes are also an option for those who want a more personalized approach to yoga. The Yogi shares his knowledge of yoga for the purpose of achieving peace of mind and joy in life. In addition to yoga, he offers plant medicine experiences and nature trips in Brazil. The chatter in the background during the meditation is a challenge as it takes away from the silence, but it offers an opportunity to be present and focused in the midst of the noise.


In this section, Yogi Oseias emphasizes the importance of going inwards and finding silence, especially during times when external factors may be causing stress and chaos. He suggests that even though certain situations may not be ideal for meditation or concentration, it is still possible to train oneself to stay focused and centered amidst chaos. The ultimate goal is to connect with the self and find inner peace.

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