The YouTuber encourages aspiring freelance web developers not to be intimidated by more experienced freelancers and to start freelancing, highlighting HTML and CSS as sufficient starting skills. They suggest offering services such as creating custom email templates, building landing pages, and creating custom WordPress themes. Additional freelancing opportunities include becoming a webmaster or website manager and pairing HTML and CSS development with digital marketing skills. The key is to continuously learn and update skills to provide the best services possible. The YouTuber offers to answer viewers' questions and emphasizes the value of freelancing as part of the learning journey.
In this section, the speaker encourages those interested in freelance web development to not feel intimidated by more advanced freelancers on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr and to take the leap into freelancing. Learning HTML and CSS are sufficient skills to start freelancing, and the speaker recommends offering services such as creating custom email templates, building landing pages, and creating custom WordPress themes. Freelancing helped the speaker identify in-demand skills and pushed them to learn quickly, and they believe it is a valuable part of the learning journey.
In this section, the YouTuber discusses the various freelancing opportunities available for someone who has skills in HTML and CSS. These opportunities include creating custom email templates, becoming a webmaster or website manager, becoming a Squarespace or WordPress developer, and pairing HTML and CSS development with digital marketing skills. While these options may require learning some new skills, the key is to embrace learning as you go and to continually update your skills to provide the best services possible. The YouTuber encourages viewers not to hesitate to jump into freelancing and offers to answer any questions they may have.
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