Saving As Many Of The Newborn Baby Fish As Possible - NYC Aquatics By NewYorkSteelo.


Saving As Many Of The Newborn Baby Fish As Possible - NYC Aquatics By NewYorkSteelo. by newyorksteelo

The YouTube video "Saving As Many Of The Newborn Baby Fish As Possible - NYC Aquatics By NewYorkSteelo" documents a YouTuber's attempt at collecting and raising newborn baby fish from his Beta holding tank. The creator expresses his love for nature and hopes to raise these fish to create a new generation. However, he faces difficulty in providing a suitable environment for their growth as he previously kept the tank clean and pristine. Nonetheless, viewers can look forward to a future video where the YouTuber updates the progress of these baby fish.


In this excerpt, the YouTuber narrates his attempt at saving as many newborn baby fish as possible, which he has collected in his Beta holding tank. He expresses his love for nature and hopes to raise these fish as a new generation. He hints at a future video where he will update the progress of these baby fish, however, he is facing difficulty in dirtying the tank for their growth due to his previous efforts in keeping it clean and pristine.

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