How To Setup A Sump Refugium


How To Setup A Sump Refugium by newyorksteelo

This video series teaches viewers how to set up a sump refugium in a 90-gallon tank. The creator explains the benefits of using flexible tubing instead of hard piping for plumbing, and the importance of measuring space and selecting the right size refugium. They stress the need for a neat installation, labeling equipment, and using PVC where necessary. The video covers the customizable first stage, the refugium stage, and the importance of keeping detritus suspended in the final stage. They also discuss different pumps, a float switch, and the constant water level. The creator is proud of their sump refugium and states they have not required a water change in over a year and a half.


In this section, New York Steelo introduces a two-part video series on how to set up a sump refugium in a 90-gallon tank. He warns viewers not to miss the second part of the series in which he discusses the 30-gallon nano hang-on-back refugium. He then shows the sump refugium below and explains the two ways of plumbing it - using flexible tubing or hard piping. New York Steelo prefers using flexible tubing since it is less expensive and yield less back pressure than hard piping, which involves more expenses.


In this section, the video creator discusses the benefits of using flexible tubing in the sump refugium setup instead of hard plumbing. He explains that using flexible tubing allows for more flow and makes it easier to make changes to the setup in the future. The video creator then goes on to talk about the importance of measuring the space below and selecting the right size sump refugium. He also addresses the issue of excessive noise and recommends taking necessary steps to somewhat seal the stand and using a dorsal stand pipe to avoid gurgling noise.


In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of being neat when installing equipment such as a reef keeper light system, reactor or calcium reactor, as a disorganized setup can make maintenance a frustrating chore. The speaker then provides a closer look at their setup, pointing out the neatly installed modules next to the dual drains and dual returns. They advise labeling equipment and using PVC where necessary in a flexible tubing system, and explain how to find the flexible tubing drain kit. They also mention that a 90-gallon system with one drain and one return will work just as effectively as their setup.


In this section, the YouTuber explains the first stage of the sump refugium setup, which is customizable according to the desired equipment and protein skimmer. The stage size should be selected based on the equipment to be added. The YouTuber suggests using a powerhead in the stage to keep detritus in suspension, thereby preventing it from settling and eliminating the need for filter socks. Additionally, there is a tubing delivering the kalkwasser solution into the first stage, and on top of the live rock, there is a bag of chemical media. The YouTuber suggests using four bags of chemical media.


In this section, the creator discusses the refugium stage of setting up a sump, which he considers the most important. He recommends using LED lights and kato morpha algae, as it is hardier and doesn't release chemicals back into the water like other macroalgae. He also suggests keeping as little rock in the refugium as possible to avoid detritus buildup and using one inch of miracle mud. He notes that a deep sand bed can be beneficial, but only in larger surface areas. The media stage is simple, with a foam pad on top and three bags of filter media. Finally, there is a small pump in the last stage to keep the sump clean and filtered.


In this section, the speaker talks about the importance of keeping the detritus suspended in the last stage of the sump refugium before it reaches the main display. He explains that detritus should only settle in the refugium stage where it will be processed by the critters that live there. He also goes on to mention the different pumps that he has set up in the sump including the Mag Drive 18 pump and a Mag Drive 7 pump which feeds the chiller. The speaker also touches on the float switch which he has installed in the final stage of the sump and the constant water level in the first and second stage. Finally, he mentions that he is proud of his sump refugium as it is the heart of his filtration system and has not required a water change in over a year and a half.

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