This video discusses the growth and maintenance of a deep sand bed in a saltwater aquarium. The speaker explains that the growth of cyanobacteria in the sand bed is due to feeding, not decomposition, and warns against disturbing the sand bed unless the individual knows what they're doing. He demonstrates how to use an algae scraper to release cyanobacteria and dead macroalgae without damaging the sand bed's life, emphasizing that some life will be lost but it's necessary for maintenance. Part 2 will cover the movement of the sand bed, the formation of hydrogen sulfide spots, and how to remove them.
In this section of the video, New York steelo discusses the formation of algae in the front of the glass of a deep sand bed. He clarifies that the algae is not a result of rotting or decomposing matter, but rather a reflection of light, as light is what enables algae to grow. He explains that cyanobacteria thrives in areas of low oxygen and low pH, which are present in the front of the deep sand bed, and that disturbing the deep sand bed will not cause the algae to spread into other areas of the tank due to the high amount of oxygen and water movement.
In this section, the speaker discusses the growth of cyanobacteria in the deep sand bed of a saltwater aquarium. Contrary to popular belief, the speaker explains that this growth is not due to decomposing matter, but rather the feeding of the system. The speaker then goes on to show the clean state of the deep sand bed and manually disturbs it to release some of the cyanobacteria. However, the speaker emphasizes that this should not be done unless the individual knows what they are doing as it can result in hydrogen sulfide and the potential death of deep sand bed life. Despite this, the speaker highlights the potential of the deep sand bed to process and remove hydrogen sulfide.
In this section, the video discusses how to maintain a deep sand bed in a saltwater aquarium using an algae scraper. The rubbery grip area of the algae scraper is used to disturb the deep sand bed in one direction only, while avoiding the bladed area which can scratch the tank or damage the life within the sand bed. The deep sand bed is disturbed to release cyanobacteria and any dead macro algae which does not thrive in low oxygenated areas. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding that this process will kill some of the life in the sand bed, but it's necessary for overall maintenance. The video promises a follow-up showing the release of hydrogen sulfide from the deep sand bed in a few days and the removal of it later on.
In this section of the video, the presenter explains that due to the large amount of information he plans on covering about the deep sand bed maintenance, he will be dividing this video into two parts. He shows a close-up of a fully established deep sand bed and points out the life that is present within it, including tunnels created by critters. He warns that the movement of the deep sand bed killed some of the critters that lived within it, and hydrogen sulfide spots will form. He encourages viewers not to miss part 2, which is coming soon.
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