This Tkinter Python GUI tutorial covers using the pack and grid methods to position widgets on the screen. The instructor walks through creating labels, buttons, and input boxes in Tkinter and customizing their appearance using size, color, and borders. Additionally, the tutorial covers how to retrieve input from the user and use it in Python code. A basic calculator program is also created, building on previous lessons and demonstrating the potential complexity of Tkinter GUIs. Finally, the video discusses how to fix bugs and improve the functionality of the calculator program.
cover in this section is the pack method. We have imported tkinter and created a root widget. Now it's time to create a label widget and set it equal to a label function with a text of "Hello World". Finally, we need to use the pack method to display our label widget in the root widget. This is the first step in creating a very simple window with a label displaying "Hello World". The video will continue to cover different widgets and methods to build a more complex GUI in Python using tkinter.
In this section, the video tutorial focuses on using the pack method to insert a widget onto the screen. The pack method is a simple way of placing elements without specifying exact positions on the screen. The tutorial walks through how to pack a label widget in Tkinter, as well as how to create an event loop to continually loop through the program and make it responsive to user actions. The video shows how to create a GUI program that displays “Hello, World!” on the screen, as well as how to use the various buttons created by the program. The tutorial emphasizes that while this specific program may be simple, it demonstrates the ease of use of Tkinter’s pack method.
In this section, the instructor introduces the grid system and explains that it is a better way to position items on the screen, as it gives the user more control. The grid system is similar to a grid, with rows from top to bottom and columns from left to right. To use the grid system, one must use numbers to specify the row and column where the item should be placed. The instructor demonstrates the use of the grid system for labels by copying and pasting previously created labels, renaming them, and then modifying the code to replace the pack function with grid function and specify the row and column position using zeroes and ones. The output shows that the label positions are fixed and do not resize when the window is adjusted.
In this section, the instructor explains the limitations of the grid system in tkinter and demonstrates a hacky way to position widgets using empty labels. He also mentions that since Python is object-oriented, it's possible to create widgets in one step instead of two by using dot notation. Finally, he moves on to talking about buttons, stating that they are an essential widget for any graphical user interface and promises to cover how to create them in the rest of the video.
In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to create a button widget in Tkinter. The button widget is defined within a function, and the location and text are specified. Once the widget is created, it can be added to the screen using the pack function. The instructor then discusses how to disable a button using the state attribute, and also how to adjust the size of a button using pad x and pad y. To make a button do something, the instructor shows how to create a new function and use the command attribute to link the button to that function.
In this section, the video discusses the creation of buttons in Tkinter. The process is straightforward; create a function and then call it from the button. However, it is important to remember not to include parentheses when calling the function from the button. Additionally, the color of the text and button can be changed using foreground color (fg) and background color (bg) commands, respectively. The user can even input hex codes for specific colors. The video concludes with a mention of input boxes, which will be discussed in the next section.
In this section of the tutorial, the instructor teaches how to create an input box using Tkinter in Python, which is called an entry widget. The entry widget can be customized by changing its size, color, and border width. The instructor also shows how to retrieve the text that is entered into the input box using the 'get' function and use it in a Python code to concatenate or perform other operations. The Pythonic way of concatenating two strings using '+' sign is also demonstrated.
In this section of the video, the instructor demonstrates how to customize text fields by incorporating variables, as opposed to solely using strings. A default value can be added as well. The next part of the video introduces creating a basic calculator with the addition function. The calculator includes input boxes with raised borders and buttons, with the instructor highlighting the simplicity of the program and how easy it would be to incorporate more advanced functions. The instructor hints at potential future videos where more complex programs will be created using Tkinter and graphical user interfaces in Python.
In this section of the video, the instructor shows how to use the 'grid' system instead of packing objects, using the Entry text box and expanding upon it. They also demonstrate how to create a series of buttons with specific text and how to adjust their size and spacing using pad x and pad y. The instructor adds a command to the button and creates nine more buttons with different numbers on them using a loop. They explain how to give the buttons column and row values and name them, commenting the code as they go along.
In this section of the Tkinter GUI tutorial, the instructor guides the viewer through the process of creating the buttons for a calculator application. The buttons are arranged in a grid, with the numbers 1-9 at the bottom, followed by the clear, add and equals buttons. The instructor demonstrates how to adjust the padding and size of the buttons to make them appear more visually appealing. Finally, the buttons are assigned to their respective rows and columns within the grid using the 'grid' function. The application does not yet have any functionality, but the layout is starting to take shape.
In this section, the video instructor troubleshoots issues with button placement in the GUI, resulting from a lack of column span code. After addressing the button design issues, the buttons are programmed to "do something" when clicked, using lambda expressions. To insert the passed numbers into the calculator box, the insertion function deletes any existing numbers and replaces them with the passed value. The instructor notes that while this insertion method works, it is limited to only inserting one value at a time.
In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to fix a bug in the numeric keyboard GUI program that concatenates number inputs instead of adding them properly. The fix involves creating a 'current' variable as well as deleting existing numbers before inputting a new number. The instructor also adds the clear button to the program by writing a new function 'button clear' that can clear the input field by calling 'e.delete'. The instructor replaces 'lambda' with 'command' for the clear button to fix an error and then displays the working clear button on the GUI.
In this section of the Tkinter Course, the instructor explains the logic behind creating an add function and an equal function in Python GUI. To pass the numbers between these functions, a global variable is used. The instructor demonstrates how to define a global variable and pass it between functions using an example of an adding process. The process involves remembering the first number entered, then clearing the text box to allow a user to enter a second number. When the user clicks on the equal button, the two remembered numbers are added, and the result is displayed. The instructor uses Python code to demonstrate the above process and ensures that it is working correctly.
In this section, the tutorial explains how to add functionality to the basic calculator to allow for subtraction, multiplication, and division. The solution involves creating new global variables for each operation and then using if statements to determine which operation the equal button should perform when it is clicked. The tutorial shows how to create buttons for each operation and change the button's text and function accordingly. The tutorial also explains how to use the grid system to organize the buttons on the GUI. Overall, the tutorial provides a simple yet effective example of how to create a GUI calculator in Python using the Tkinter module.
In this section, the video tutorial on building a graphic user interface with Tkinter in Python focuses on creating buttons to perform mathematical operations. The code includes buttons for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, which are given the relevant mathematical operations as global variables. The tutorial then goes into the slick button click functionality, which is where the mathematical operations selected by the user are implemented. This requires an if statement to check which math operation was selected by the user, in order to choose the appropriate mathematical operation to perform on the selected numbers.
In this section, the instructor creates a basic calculator app using Tkinter and Python and demonstrates different mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The app takes the user input and performs the corresponding operation and displays the result. The instructor advises the users to improve the app's design by incorporating different colors, sizes, and styles of buttons, similar to the Windows calculator. Additionally, the instructor explains how to add an icon and images using Tkinter. The users can add an icon to their app and use image files like PNG to enhance their app's visual aspects.
In this section, the video tutorial teaches how to use icons and images in Tkinter. Icons can be easily added to the GUI by simply passing the location of the file using the "bitmap" command. Additionally, the tutorial covers how to create an exit button by creating a button with "root.quit()" as its command. To use real images like JPEGs or PNG files, the video explains that users need to import the Python image library module (PIL) and tkinter image (ImageTk), which supports only gif and obsolete image formats. The tutorial also covers how to install and reference the required modules and how to create an image using the "ImageTk.PhotoImage()" command.
In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to add images to GUI in Tkinter. To do this, you need to define the image using the 'tk.PhotoImage' resource and use the '' method to open the image. Then you need to define a label and set the 'image' property of that label to the 'PhotoImage' resource you just created. Finally, you can add the label to the screen using the 'pack' method. The instructor also explains how to create a folder for images as a best practice. Later in the video, the instructor demonstrates how to create an image viewer using a list of images and buttons to scroll through them.
In this section of the Tkinter Course, the instructor explains how to use Python lists to store and access images for a GUI. He shows how to access an item in the list and explains that lists start at zero, making it easy to scroll through any list of items. The video goes on to show how to create a grid for multiple buttons, using 'row' and 'column' to make everything appear in the right place. Finally, the video shows how to create functions to handle the buttons. Overall, this section offers a great introduction to using lists and grids in Tkinter GUI development in Python.
In this section of the tutorial, the instructor explains how to implement the back and forward buttons in the GUI. The back button doesn't need to pass anything initially since the program starts with the first image already displayed. The forward button is set up to pass number two as an argument because, in the list of images, the first image is indexed as zero. The function works by using global variables to access the label and buttons, and then deleting the current image using the grid_forget() function before displaying the new image using the image list and the passed argument. The tutorial demonstrates that the program works by successfully showing the next image when the forward button is clicked.
In this section, the video creator goes through the process of updating the Forward and Back buttons for a Tkinter GUI. They update the button command to call on the forward and backward functions and add the image number to update the index of the images displayed. They also add a condition to disable the Forward button if the image is the last one in the list. Finally, they add a grid forget function to delete the previous image before displaying a new one.
In this section, the tutorial covers updating the Back and Forward buttons to navigate the images in reverse order and disabling the buttons at the beginning and end of the image list. The tutorial also introduces the concept of updating a status bar at the bottom of the window dynamically as the user clicks the buttons to switch between images. This is achieved by using a label and some new features to make it look like a status bar. The tutorial emphasizes the use of global variables and lists for creating the image gallery.
In this section, the video tutorial explains how to create a status bar and make it look professional. To begin, the instructor creates a new label called status, sets it to route, and adds text to it. However, hard-coding the number of images is not advised since it is often challenging to know the number of images that need to be used. Hence, the instructor uses the len function to obtain the length of the image_list. But this creates a problem because it returns a number, and a string needs to be added. The instructor then uses the str function to solve this problem. After fixing this, the instructor adds a border to the status bar to make it look professional. Finally, the instructor explains that the sticky functionality can be used to stretch the status bar across the bottom.
In this section of the video tutorial, the instructor teaches how to anchor a label in a specific direction using the lowercase 'a' keyword followed by 'e' or 'w' for East and West respectively. Additionally, the concept of concatenation is used to update the status bar whenever a button is clicked to change the image being displayed. The instructor demonstrates the use of the str function to convert an integer to a string, which is necessary before concatenation. Finally, the instructor hints at the upcoming topic of using frames with Tkinter and Python.
In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to create frames in Python using the Tkinter library. Frames are used to organize different sections visually, and they create a border around a box that can have a label on it. To create a frame, the instructor uses the LabelFrame widget and specifies the text and padding. Next, he demonstrates how to pack a button inside the frame and explains how to add padding to the frame itself and to the object inside it. By adjusting the padding and experimenting with different values, viewers can easily see the effect of padding on the widget. The instructor emphasizes the two-step process of creating widgets in Tkinter: first create it, and then put it on the screen.
In this section, the instructor explains how to use frames to separate different sections of a screen visually. A grid can be used inside a frame, even if it is packed, which is a useful feature. The instructor then removes the label in the frame to achieve a cleaner look. Frames are useful when trying to separate different sections of a screen, such as buttons and forms, and visual separation is necessary. Later, the instructor introduces radio buttons, which require assigning a variable to each button that gets the value when clicked. This value can be used to take action based on which button is clicked. Radio buttons are useful for forms and similar applications.
In this section of the Tkinter Course video tutorial, the instructor demonstrates how to use radio buttons and variables in Python. The instructor explains that the variable used in Tkinter needs to be an integer variable because the value assigned to it will either be a 1 or a 2, which are integers. They also show how to create a string variable and note that there are multiple ways to create radio buttons. The instructor then shows how to make radio buttons do something by creating a label and a function called "clicked" that updates the label when a radio button is selected. They also show how to pass values into the function using the "command" keyword.
In this section, the video tutorial introduces the use of loops to create multiple radio buttons in the user interface. The instructor first demonstrates how to create individual radio buttons and connect them with a command function. Then, to avoid repetition in the code for creating multiple radio buttons, the instructor shows how to use a Python list to store the options for the radio buttons and loop through them to create and display the buttons on the screen. The example given is a pizza ordering menu, where the radio buttons represent different toppings. The use of a string variable to store the selected value of the radio buttons is also explained.
In this section, the instructor teaches how to create a radio button with a loop and how to create message boxes in a pop-up window. They utilize the loop to create a radio button that prints specific values for the selected option in the variable. Additionally, the instructor explains how to create a message box with different buttons and how to use a function to trigger an event when a button is clicked. This tutorial provides learners with the knowledge to create useful pop-up windows and radio buttons to create more interactive and user-friendly GUIs in Python.
In this section of the video, the teacher demonstrates how to create a pop-up window that displays a message using the tkinter module in Python. After importing the messagebox sub-module from tkinter, a button is created with the text "pop up" and a command is linked to it. When the button is clicked, a "pop up" function is called, which creates a messagebox with the showinfo method. Other methods are also discussed, such as the showwarning, showerror, and askquestion methods, each with their own unique functions and sound effects. The video ends with the teacher explaining how to run specific code based on the user's response to the pop-up message.
In this section of the tutorial, the instructor demonstrates how to create pop-up windows with buttons in Python using the Tkinter library. By assigning the pop-up window to a variable, the response can be printed out and used in if-else statements to trigger different actions depending on whether the user clicked "yes" or "no" on the pop-up. By experimenting with different types of buttons, such as "ask yes/no" or "show warning," the user can generate different types of windows and responses. This method of experimentation and exploration is useful in programming when documentation is not readily available.
In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to create new windows in a Python program using the Tkinter library. He starts by defining the new window using the "top level" function and then proceeds to add elements to it such as a label or an image using the "pack" method. The instructor also shows how to change the title and icon of the new window. He emphasizes the importance of knowing how to create new windows as it is a necessary skill for UI design in Python.
In this section of the video, the instructor demonstrates how to control when windows open in the program by creating a button to open a second window. They encounter an issue where a local variable is not displayed in the second window due to Python's garbage collection, but resolve it by calling the variable as a global variable. The instructor also shows how to create a close button and use the destroy command to close the second window. Additionally, they explain how to use the file dialog box to open files of any type from anywhere on the computer using the file dialog function from tkinter.
In this section of the tutorial, the instructor explains how to use a file dialog box in Tkinter, and how to pass in various parameters such as the initial directory and the file type. To open a file programmatically, one can get the name and location of the file from the file dialog box and use that information in the code to open it. The instructor demonstrates how to specify different file types to show in the dialog box, such as PNG or JPG files. The tutorial also shows how to customize the title of the dialog box and how to specify different types of file extensions to show.
In this section of the tutorial, a file dialog box is created that allows the user to select JPG files from a directory. The root file name of the selected file is then printed to a label on the screen. The user can then click a button to open the selected image file, which is displayed using proper code from a previous tutorial. To make the file dialog box more practical, a button is added to open the box only when clicked, rather than opening immediately upon running the program.
In this section, the video covers how to use the open file dialog box in Python's Tkinter library, which allows the user to select and return a file location. The tutorial demonstrates opening an image file, but any type of file can be opened and displayed, including PDFs and HTML files. Additionally, the video goes over creating sliders in Tkinter using the scale widget, which can be designated as vertical or horizontal and customized with various graphical properties. Finally, the video briefly touches on setting the initial window size of the GUI using root.geometry.
In this section, the video tutorial covers using sliders in a GUI created with Tkinter in Python. Sliders return a number based on their position, and this number can be obtained using the "dot get" method. The number returned by the slider can be used in a label or a button. However, labels do not automatically update, so a function can be used to update the label. The tutorial also covers using the slider to update the size of the GUI, and how to use the slider itself to update its own value. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of the order of functions when defining them in Tkinter.
In this section of the Tkinter Course, the instructor discusses sliders, which are a simple way to allow users to input numerical values. However, the instructor notes that sliders can be touchy, especially when resizing the window. They suggest using a button in place of a slider. The section also covers checkboxes, which are square boxes used for on or off selection. To use checkboxes, a counter variable must be created using int var. When a checkbox is checked, the value is either 0 or 1.
In this section of the video, the presenter shows how to create a checkbox using the Tkinter library in Python. To create a checkbox, the presenter uses the Checkbutton widget and assigns a variable to it. Additionally, the presenter demonstrates how to assign a value to the variable and how to update it. The presenter also shows how to create a function that updates the value of the variable and displays it on the screen. The presenter also mentions other options that can be used with checkboxes, such as changing the default value and the output. Finally, the presenter demonstrates a glitch that can occur when using a string variable instead of an integer variable.
In this section of the video, the instructor discusses how to use checkboxes and drop-down boxes in Tkinter GUI programming with Python. For checkboxes, there is a workaround to prevent a weird spacing issue and to avoid having the checkboxes checked by default. The D select function is used and users can assign on/off values to the checkboxes. Drop-down boxes or option menus are created in a similar fashion to checkboxes, using a variable to assign selected values. String variables are typically used, and the instructor demonstrates how to create a default value for the drop-down box.
In this section, the video demonstrates how to create a drop-down menu including Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and how to show the selected option in a label. The video also shows an alternative method to create the options by using a Python list, which is easier to read and edit. Additionally, the video discusses the importance of databases in programs and introduces SQL lite three, which comes with Python, as an easy-to-use database for small and hobby projects. The video explains how to import SQL lite three and shows how to connect to the database.
In this section of the tutorial, the instructor explains how to create and connect to a database using SQLite in Python. He demonstrates how to create a connection to the database and create a cursor, which sends commands to the database. He explains the importance of committing changes to the database and closing the connection. He also walks through how to create a table in the database, including naming the table and designating columns and data types. The instructor notes that SQLite only has five data types, making it a simpler option for beginners.
In this section of the video, the presenter demonstrates how to create text boxes using entry widgets in order to add data to the database. They create text boxes for first name, last name, address, city, state, and zip code using the grid system to place them on the screen. Additionally, they provide a little padding for the first name box and plan to add labels next to each box to describe which box is for which type of data. The presenter also mentions their website that offers a course on SQLite with Python for those interested in learning more about databases.
In this section of the tutorial, the instructor explains how to create text boxes and text box labels for the GUI using Tkinter in Python. He demonstrates how to specify the location of each label in a grid using row and column numbers. Additionally, he shows how to create and design buttons, including one that will eventually be used to submit information entered into the text boxes to a database. Lastly, he illustrates how to create a function that will clear the text boxes so that the user can enter new information after submitting their last input.
In this section, we learn how to submit the data inputted in our form to the database. First, we need to connect to the database and create a cursor inside of our function. We also need to commit our stuff and close our connection inside of our function. We then added an SQL insert into the table statement to add data to our table. We used placeholder variables, created dummy variables and a Python dictionary. The key will be the dummy variable and the value will be whatever is in our textbox. Finally, we can customize the look of the form and test the program to see if it works.
In this section of the video, the instructor demonstrates how to create a button to pull data from the database and display it on the screen. The button is called "query" and has a command that calls a "query" function that is created. The instructor explains that before querying the database, one needs to connect to it and commit the changes made. To query the database, one needs to use the cursor and execute a SQL command, which in this case is selecting everything and the primary key from the addresses table. The instructor also explains the importance of a primary key in a database and how it's used to uniquely identify records. The fetch all command is then used to fetch all the records in the address table.
In this section, the instructor shows how to fetch records from a database using fetch many and how to print them out onto the screen using a loop and labels. The lesson goes on to demonstrate how to concatenate and convert integers to strings before passing them onto a label to be displayed on the screen. Labels can be used to display information on the screen and it can be set up to display each item on a new line which is perfect for displaying record-related data. The records can then be sorted and displayed in the desired format for the user.
In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to print out the records from a database in a clear and organized way using tuples. By calling each item in the tuple with its corresponding index, the record can be formatted in any way desired. The instructor shows an example of how to print out the first and last names of each record and concatenating them for better readability. The user can add records to the database and they will appear with the existing records. The instructor also mentions a course he offers on SQLite and Python for those interested in more detailed knowledge about databases. He concludes by mentioning that in the next video, he will demonstrate how to delete a record from the database.
In this section, the tutorial covers adding the user ID number to the output and adding padding to the first name and label text boxes. The tutorial then dives into how to delete records from the SQL database and emphasizes the need to search by the primary key number, which is the user number, to avoid accidentally deleting multiple records with the same name. The tutorial also covers creating a function named Delete to handle deleting a record, which includes connecting to the database, creating a cursor, and committing changes.
In this section, the video tutorial teaches how to implement the delete functionality in the tkinter application by creating a text box and a button which calls the delete function. The DELETE FROM command in SQL is used along with the WHERE clause to identify the specific record to be deleted. The video warns against using string literals as it may delete all records matching that string. Instead, a placeholder is added which will be changed dynamically. The tutorial also adds a label and an entry box for entering the ID number to be deleted. The video provides step-by-step instructions and code snippets to demonstrate the implementation of the delete functionality.
In this section of the video, the instructor shows how to fix the ID number display and align the 'Show Records' button and 'Delete Record' button. The padding between the two buttons is adjusted to give a better look. He then goes on to delete the records from the database using the 'Delete' command. To do this he retrieves the 'delete box entry' by concatenating through 'delete box .get'. Data is then deleted by using the primary key of the database as a string, passed as a value to the 'o ID' attribute of the delete command and removing the selected record from the database. The video teaches valuable lessons on how to align and delete selected records from a database using Tkinter in Python.
In this section of the tutorial, the instructor discusses how to edit or update a record in the tkinter user interface. Rather than adding the editing functionality onto the existing screen, the instructor suggests creating a new window for editing and updating records. They rename the "delete" button to "select" and add a new "update" button to the interface. The instructor walks through the process of creating a new editor window, changing the routing, and updating the buttons to perform editing and updating tasks. They also demonstrate how to adjust the size of the buttons to make the interface look better.
In this section, the instructor is updating a record by copying boxes and labels from the main window to a new window, and renaming them for editing purposes. A button is added to save changes made to the record. The instructor also explains how to propagate or prefill existing records into the editor window to edit them, by creating a variable for the field and selecting the specific record from the database. The tutorial provides useful tips and tricks on working with tkinter to create graphical user interfaces in Python.
In this section of the video, the instructor walks through how to use a for loop to cycle through the results of a select query and put each item in a separate box. Each list item corresponds to either the first name, last name, address, city, or state and zip code. Once these boxes are created, the instructor shows how to fix the button to record when it is pressed by creating a new function called update that deletes all of the information previously entered into the boxes. Overall, this section of the video provides helpful guidance on how to use Python and its Tkinter module to build a graphic user interface.
In this section, the creator of the Tkinter course explains how to clear the boxes on the original window screen, correct the naming of the boxes, and designate what code is needed to update the database record. They use triple quotes for doc strings and update the database using a where clause that designates the primary key. The creator also shows how to create a Python dictionary to designate the key value pairs of the data to be put into the database and makes a quick change to the edit function.
In this section, the instructor discusses how to create global variables for text box names in order to use them in another function. They simply type "global" followed by the name of the variable. They then designate each variable within the function, such as last name, address, city, state, zip code, and record ID. The record ID is obtained from the delete box and designated as "record_ID" in the update function. The instructor explains this is necessary when updating multiple columns of data using an SQL statement. After designating each variable, they save the updated record.
In this section of the video, the focus is on editing records and how to make the editor window disappear after the update is made. The code for the Edit command is shown, and the update function is updated to include "editor.destroy()" to make the editor window disappear after saving the changes. The video then transitions to previewing a basic weather and air quality monitoring app that utilizes API to grab data from a third-party site. In the following videos, the app will be built upon to include additional features.
In this section of the tutorial, the instructor guides the viewers on how to obtain an API account for AirNow, a website that provides information regarding air quality. After logging in, the instructor demonstrates the different ways to access the data, such as by zip code and longitude and latitude. They also explain the data that the API returns and how to use the Query Tool to generate the appropriate URL. Using the requests library in Python, the instructor shows how to connect to a third-party API and decode the JSON response. Finally, they create a variable to store the API request and show how easy it is to retrieve the data using requests.
you want to display in your GUI. In this section of the tutorial, the instructor teaches how to make API calls using the requests library and how to parse JSON response. He also demonstrates how to handle errors and exceptions while making API calls. The parsed response is displayed in a tkinter label widget on the GUI. The instructor also explains how to interpret the JSON response and figure out the structure of the data returned by different APIs.
In this section of the Tkinter Course, the instructor explains how to retrieve specific information from a JSON file and display it in the UI using Python. The instructor shows how to access the first item in the list of data using the index zero and how to retrieve specific fields such as reporting area, air quality index, and category name. They also demonstrate how to store this information in variables and display it in the UI using labels. This allows for more control and flexibility in displaying specific data from the JSON file.
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