JavaScript Security Vulnerabilities Tutorial – With Code Examples

JavaScript Security Vulnerabilities Tutorial – With Code Examples by

This video tutorial on JavaScript Security Vulnerabilities explores various examples of security vulnerabilities present in JavaScript code, such as cross-site scripting, server-side request forgery, timing attacks, prototype pollution, and NoSQL injection. The speaker highlights potential risks and provides suggestions on how these vulnerabilities can be mitigated, such as validating and sanitizing user inputs, checking for safe protocols, using libraries like validator, and avoiding hardcoded credentials. By taking these precautions, developers can build more secure applications and avoid compromising sensitive information.


In this section, Brandon demonstrates an example of cross-site scripting vulnerability in JavaScript. The vulnerability arises due to the use of query parameters in constructing a URL object that could be manipulated to execute arbitrary code on the browser through the JavaScript protocol. To prevent such attacks, Brandon suggests validating and sanitizing URLs using a validate URL function that checks if the protocol is safe, like HTTPS, and returns the original URL if it is.


In this section, the speaker introduces a vulnerable JavaScript program susceptible to cross-site scripting attacks called validate URL functions, which passes the value that it receives from the query parameter to validate the URL to prevent an attack. Then the speaker explains the second vulnerable JavaScript web app that is prone to server-side request forgery attacks that can access confidential JSON data by masking as publicly available public data. The solution to this is creating a const of allowed URLs that contains the two available public data JSONs. The app will only allow public data to be viewed and thus avoid the leakage of confidential information. Finally, the speaker introduces a code that uses triple equals to check whether a user-supplied information containing secret token matches the account's secret token, and how it is exposed to timing attack vulnerabilities that can quickly and accurately guess the correct token by comparing every character of the supplied string to the actual token's characters.


In this section, the video explains several vulnerabilities in JavaScript programs and how to prevent them. One vulnerability is a timing attack where an attacker can brute force strings to find a token, but it can be prevented by using a crypto timing safe equal function instead of triple equals. Another vulnerability is prototype pollution where an attacker can pass in the string __proto__ to cause an if statement to evaluate to true, but it can be prevented by using hasOwnProperty. Finally, a NoSQL injection vulnerability is explained where an attacker can use special operators in a query to access data they shouldn't, but it can be prevented by validating inputs and sanitizing queries.


In this section, the video discusses various JavaScript security vulnerabilities and ways to mitigate them. One vulnerability discussed is NoSQL injection attacks, which can be prevented by validating user input and returning a message if it is not a string. The video also explains how using a complex regular expression to validate inputs can lead to regular expression denial of service (Redos) attacks and suggests using a library like validator to prevent such attacks. Additionally, the video talks about security misconfigurations in Dockerfiles and the dangers of hard-coded credentials in application code, recommending the use of environment variables instead.


In this section, the video discusses three examples of JavaScript security vulnerabilities, including mass assignment attacks and host header injection. In the first example, inserting the entire request object could potentially set properties on an object that it shouldn't, giving unauthorized access to certain functionalities. This is prevented by creating a new object that only sets safe fields and encrypting the password. In the second example, using the host header as a parameter to the URL can be changed by the person who's making the request, making it susceptible to sending back malicious links. By using the URL environment variable, we prevent host header injection by no longer using a potentially malicious source of data.

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