This video tutorial focuses on Full Stack Development with Java Spring Boot, React, and MongoDB. The speaker guides viewers through setting up their development environment with IntelliJ IDEA and MongoDB Atlas. The tutorial covers connecting the Java Spring Boot application to the MongoDB database and creating API endpoints. The instructor emphasizes the importance of secure handling of sensitive information. The tutorial also covers creating models for movies and reviews, using Lombok annotations to simplify code, and establishing relationships between the models. The instructor also covers creating an API controller, mapping to specific endpoints, and creating methods to access data from the database.
Brains have developed IntelliJ IDEA for Java development. It is a popular choice for Java developers and has many useful features, including debugging capabilities, code completion, and refactoring. IntelliJ IDEA also has a Community Edition which is free to use and has enough features to get started with Java development. After downloading the Community Edition and following the installation process, you can start creating your Java project in IntelliJ IDEA.
In this section, the video explains how to download and install IntelliJ IDEA, a popular Java IDE from JetBrains. The Community Edition is available for free on their website. The video then instructs viewers to create an account with MongoDB Atlas, which is a platform for spinning up MongoDB servers on the cloud. The process of creating a new MongoDB database on MongoDB Atlas is explained, with a shared server being recommended for development purposes and AWS as the preferred provider. The recommended selection is a M0 Sandbox tier, which offers 512MB of RAM.
In this section of the Full Stack Development course, the instructor guides viewers through the process of setting up and configuring a new MongoDB Atlas cluster, creating a new user, and setting up IP access lists for the cluster. The instructor emphasizes the importance of choosing a strong password and not using an easily guessed password. They also note that it is a good security practice to limit access to the cluster to specific IP addresses, but for the purposes of the course, they open it up to all IP addresses. Once the cluster is set up, the instructor shows how to connect to it using MongoDB Compass and how to use the URI provided by MongoDB Atlas to connect to the cluster.
In this section, the instructor guides the viewers on how to create and populate a MongoDB cluster. They use the MongoDB Compass tool to visually connect to their MongoDB Atlas account. Once connected, the instructor creates a new database with a collection called "movies". The viewers can download a JSON file of movie data from the instructor's GitHub repository and import it into their "movies" collection. The instructor then explains the structure of a MongoDB database and demonstrates how each movie in the "movies" collection is considered a document.
In this section, the speaker explains how to initialize an API using Spring Boot by navigating to and selecting the appropriate options, including programming language (Java), build automation tool (Maven), Spring Boot version (3.0.1), project metadata (group and artifact name), packaging (JAR), and dependencies (Lombok, Spring Web, Spring Data MongoDB, and Dev Tools). He also notes the importance of providing credit and using the free API available from TMDb to portray images. The tutorial emphasizes importing data into a newly-created database on MongoDB as the foundation for developing a full-stack application with Java Spring Boot, React, and MongoDB.
In this section, the speaker discusses the different dependencies that may be used in a project for Java Spring Boot and React, such as reactive web and Spring Security. However, for this particular course, authentication and authorization will not be addressed. The speaker then goes through the process of setting up and opening the project in IntelliJ IDEA, explaining the project structure and the purpose of each folder. The main application class is also analyzed, showing the Spring Application class method used to start the Spring application. Finally, the speaker runs the program and shows the output in the terminal.
In this section, we learn about connecting our Java Spring Boot application with a MongoDB database and creating our first API endpoint. We see an exception because we have not provided the necessary cluster, username, and password details to connect with MongoDB. We can remove this error by commenting out the MongoDB dependency from POM.xml and reloading the project. Then, we create a Rest Controller and define a `GetMapping` method to create our first API endpoint. We can test this endpoint by refreshing the browser, and it displays the message "hello world".
In this section, the video tutorial covers the initial steps required to configure the database for a full-stack development project using Java Spring Boot, React, and MongoDB. The instructor explains how to open the file and enter the application properties related to the project. Then, he shows how to write the URI to the MongoDB cluster that was previously set up using Compass. This way, the application can connect to the database and successfully talk to it. Additionally, the tutorial provides guidance on how to create a .env file to store sensitive information, instead of writing them in the file.
In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to properly set up the environment variables in a Spring Boot application. He emphasizes the importance of keeping sensitive information like passwords and usernames in a separate file and prevents accidentally committing them to the repository. He shows how to create a dot env file and how to add it to the .gitignore file to avoid exposing the information to the world. Additionally, the instructor demonstrates how to install new dependencies to the project and how to use them to read the dot env variables in the application properties file.
see in this section, the video tutorial covers how to set up an env file to securely store confidential information such as the Mongo database, Mongo user, and Mongo password. The instructor also demonstrates how to create two separate classes for representing movies and reviews in the application and annotating the movie class as a document. The class definition includes private data such as ID, IMDb ID, title, release date, trailer link, poster link, genres, and backdrops. The instructor verifies the necessary properties for this class using MongoDB compass.
In this section of the Full Stack Development with Java Spring Boot, React, and MongoDB video, the speaker goes through the steps of creating the Movie and Review models for the application. They explain how to annotate the ID fields and use Lombok annotations to simplify the code for getters and setters. They also show how to use a document reference to create a manual reference relationship between the Movie and Review models. Finally, they create the Movie controller to start handling HTTP requests and responses.
In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to write an API controller using Java Spring Boot and React. The process involves annotating the class as a Rest Controller and mapping it to a specific endpoint, such as slash API slash v1 slash movies. The instructor then creates a method to return all movies, using a response entity instead of a string in order to return proper status codes. Finally, the instructor discusses the creation of a service class and a repository interface for accessing data from the database. The repository interface extends Mongo Repository and is annotated as a repository, while the service class is annotated as a service and contains the necessary database access methods.
In this section, the video tutorial walks through the process of setting up the code for getting all movies and returning them as a list using Java, Spring Boot, React, and MongoDB. The video explains how to create a new controller method named "getOnMovies" using a get mapping and a return type of a list of movies, which is then called using an auto-wired service class and an HTTP status of OK. The tutorial also explores the common issue of errors in the EMV file and explains how to fix any potential issues. Overall, the section provides a comprehensive overview of the steps needed to successfully set up this feature using these technologies.
In this section of the video, the instructor discusses the three layers of the Spring Boot application: the API layer, the service layer, and the repository layer. The API layer handles the request and response between user and application, the service layer contains the business logic, and the repository layer interacts with the database. The instructor then adds a new get mapping to retrieve a single movie by its ID, demonstrating how data can be passed through the layers using Path Variables. The find by ID method may not find any movies at all, so the use of Optional class is required to handle null values.
In this section, the instructor shows how to implement a custom method to search for movies using their IMDb ID instead of exposing the object IDs of the collection entities to the public. The instructor uses Spring Data MongoDB's automatic query feature to implement the method, which dynamically farms where it is from property names. The method is then used in the service class to retrieve movie details using the IMDb ID instead of the object ID. Finally, the controller is updated to use the new method and return the movie details for the requested IMDb ID.
this, we need to create a repository and a service class for reviews. The service class will create a new review and associate it with a movie found based on the given IMDb ID. We will create a custom constructor for the review class that takes only the body as IDs are auto-generated. Once we have a new review object, we will insert it into the database. This will allow users to send us reviews that we can add under a movie name. Dynamic queries can also be formed using any unique property name in the model class.
In this section, the instructor explains how to associate a review with a movie in the Spring Boot and MongoDB project. To do so, a template is created as an alternate way of updating the database when a repository isn't suitable. An update call is performed on the movie class to add the review ID to an empty array of review IDs within that movie's collection, matching the IMDB ID of the movie in the database with the one received from the user. The update definition does the job of making the change inside the database by pushing the new review ID into the review IDs array.
In this section, the video tutorial shows how to create a review controller and a create review method in Java Spring Boot. The controller is annotated as a Rest Controller and has a post method that takes in a request mapping of "/api/v1/movies". The method uses a ReviewService to create a new review by converting the request body to a map and passing it to the service's create review method. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of understanding complex business logics and how to organize your API based on your preferences as a developer.
In this section of the video, the instructor continues building the REST API by implementing the post mapping to create a new review for a movie. The response status code is set to 201 because new reviews should be created, and the REST client Postman is used to test the API. The instructor also updates the mapping to use '/reviews' instead of '/api/movies', which is more appropriate, and shows how to send JSON data in the request body to create a new review with the associated movie. The service layer uses the repository to communicate with the database and update the movie and review data accordingly.
In this section, the speaker demonstrates how to create a React application that can interface with the back-end API created using Spring Boot and MongoDB in the previous section. The speaker uses the Create-react-app command to generate the React project infrastructure and transforms the JSON data passed from the MongoDB database into an aesthetically pleasing front-end display. They also highlight the benefits of using React and associated technologies to create aesthetically pleasing front-ends and facilitate a great user experience. The speaker notes that the data used in the React application comes from the website, and the application can retrieve data from the MongoDB database and post data to the database.
In this section, the video covers the process of setting up a React project infrastructure using create-react-app command, navigating within the project folder in VS code, deleting unnecessary files such as app.test.js, and removing linting settings. The tutorial also goes through the process of installing NPM packages such as Axios for making HTTP requests and Bootstrap for styling the React application, as well as the necessary import statement for integrating Bootstrap into the project. These steps are crucial for building the React client that will fetch data from the MongoDB database through HTTP requests.
In this section of the video, the presenter explains how to install various NPM packages required for the React application. These packages include React Dash Bootstrap for layout and styling, Fort Awesome React Font Awesome for easy installation of Font Awesome icons, React Player component for playing movie trailers from within the application, and React Dash Router for mapping routes to components. Additionally, the presenter also explains how to install the Material UI Carousel NPM package and provides the necessary commands for installation. Finally, the presenter creates a folder called API within the src folder to set up Axios.
In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to set up Axios in a React project by creating a file named Axios config.js, importing Axios, and configuring and exporting the Axios object. The instructor notes the various settings that need to be included, such as the base URL and cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) setting, in order to make HTTP requests to the relevant remote API. The instructor then demonstrates how to call an endpoint that returns an array of movie data by importing the use state hook and the use effect hook from React, creating a function to handle an HTTP GET request to the endpoint and changing the state of the movies variable when the movie data is successfully returned using async/await for asynchronous thread management functionality.
In this section, the video covers the use of async/await functionality to improve the user experience by ensuring that the UI is not blocked during potentially long-running operations, such as remote API calls. The code is wrapped in a try-catch block to catch any exceptions and log them to the browser console window. The use effect hook is implemented so that the get movies function is executed when the app component first loads, and the results are logged to the browser console. The next step is to add routing functionality by creating a layout component with main tags and a reference to the outlet component. The app component imports the layout component and establishes route mappings for the application's React components using the routes component and the route component from the React Router DOM NPM package.
In this section, the instructor is guiding the viewers on how to create a parent root element and child root elements within a React application. The process involves creating a parent root element within the root element and child route components within this parent root element. The instructor also guides the viewers on creating the home component, establishing the relevant route mapping for the app component and creating a hero component that will be a child component of the home component. The hero component represents the hero section of the home page that will display movies in a carousel format to the users of the application. A folder within the components folder is created, named as 'hero', containing the 'hero.js' and 'hero.css' files, which are imported into the hero component.
In this section, the video tutorial focuses on implementing the carousel functionality for a movie display using the Terrio UI NPM package, Material UI, React, and MongoDB. The tutorial demonstrates how to import the Paper component from Material UI and destructure the props passed into the component to include an array of movie data. The video then shows how to map each item in the movies array to an item displayed in the carousel using the paper element and div tags to display the movie poster and title. After displaying the relevant data from the JSON data returned from the API's endpoint, the tutorial then proceeds to customize the styling of the carousel using CSS code. The video advises positioning the code editor and browser panes to view the effects of CSS code changes in real time.
In this section, the video explains how to style the carousel component of the web application being built with CSS code. The tutorial shows how to use a CSS custom variable to dynamically reference the background image URL for each carousel card and assign a variable to the property that needs to be referenced within the relevant CSS file. By doing this, the custom CSS variable named "image" is set as the URL value to the CSS background dash image CSS property from the backdrops property of each movie in the movies array returned from the server. The tutorial also shows how to assign a gradient that fades from light to dark using the background dash image CSS property.
In this section, the video tutorial focuses on the front-end display of the Full Stack Development with Java Spring Boot, React, and MongoDB project. The instructor shows how to use CSS code and variables to style the poster and title of the carousel. Then, the tutorial covers the creation of a header component using React Bootstrap components, which saves time in creating responsive layouts. The header includes a font awesome icon for the logo, login and registration buttons, and a watch list link that is included for cosmetic purposes only. Finally, the video shows how to reference the header component in the app.js file and ensure the correct imports are used before running the code.
In this section, the video tutorial covers the steps to create a trailer component in React that uses the React player component to play a YouTube video when a user clicks on the play button icon on a carousel item. The tutorial explains how to create a folder and relevant files and import the necessary components and hooks to extract the YouTube video ID from the URL parameter. The tutorial also goes through the steps to create a container and add the React player component with relevant URL and control properties. Lastly, the tutorial covers how to include the trailer component and play button icon within the app.js file and add appropriate styling to the play button icon.
In this section, the video tutorial covers the styling of the play button icon, adding a media query for the carousel on smaller screens, creating a link in which the play button icon invokes the trailer component, and extracting the YouTube video ID to pass it into the trailer component. Additionally, the tutorial demonstrates the creation of the Reviews component, which allows users to view and add reviews for movies into the system with an HTTP POST request. This entails creating a "Review Form" component with a form that includes a text area control and a submit button for users to input and submit their movie reviews. Ultimately, this component will be linked to the remote API endpoint carrying the review data, which will be saved accordingly in the MongoDB database through server-side Java code.
In this section, we learn how to create the reviews component that will be the parent of the review form child component using React and bootstrap components. We also use hooks like useRef and useParams to achieve our goals, and we add an appropriate HTTP POST request functionality to add a review to the MongoDB database and update the state of the reviews array on the client-side optimistically. We also make use of the useEffect hook to retrieve the necessary data for the movie the user wants to review.
entities like movies, is to assign a unique key to each list item created. In this section of the video, the instructor demonstrates how to create a method in the app.js file using Axios to make a GET request for data pertaining to a single movie from a remote server. The reviews array is extracted from the movie data and the state is tracked. The appropriate props are passed down to the reviews component and reviews are added to a MongoDB database through an HTTP POST request. The instructor also emphasizes the importance of assigning unique keys to each list item created.
In this section, the importance of including a key property for each list item in the JSX code is highlighted, in order to uniquely identify each item. It is suggested that for the movie items to be displayed within the carousel, the appropriate IMDb ID value from the movie data array retrieved from the remote server be set as the key property for each item. The instructor concludes by expressing hope that learners have enjoyed the course and have found it beneficial.
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