Deep Q-Learning - Combining Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning


Deep Q-Learning - Combining Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning by deeplizard

The video explores the concept of deep Q learning and deep Q networks in reinforcement learning, which uses a deep neural network to estimate the optimal Q function to overcome computational inefficiencies in larger, complex environments. Pre-processing of input frames is explained, where RGB data is converted to grayscale and cropped and scaled to remove unimportant information, and multiple consecutive frames are stacked to better understand the state of the environment. The algorithm surpasses human performance by learning tunneling, and it has achieved a superhuman level of play in many of the 57 games tested.


In this section, we learn about introducing the concept of deep Q learning and deep Q networks into reinforcement learning. While cue learning is effective in relatively small state spaces, its performance drops off in larger, more complex environments due to computational inefficiencies. To overcome this, deep Q learning uses a deep neural network to estimate the optimal Q function, which approximates the Q values for each state-action pair in a given environment. The network's objective is to minimize the loss by comparing outputted Q values to target Q values from the Bellman equation, updating the network weights via stochastic gradient descent and backpropagation. The input to the network is the states from the environment, which may be represented as a simple coordinate system or still frames that capture states from the environment.


In this section, the pre-processing of the input frames for Deep Q-Learning is explained. The RGB data is converted into grayscale and cropped and scaled to remove unimportant information and shrink the image's size. Multiple consecutive frames are then stacked on top of each other, as a single frame is not sufficient to fully understand the state of the environment. These pre-processed frames are then passed through a convolutional neural network, followed by a fully connected output layer, with each node representing a possible action and producing the Q value for that action. As the network is built on a convolutional neural network, there is nothing new or mysterious about the network's layers.


In this section, the video explains how the Deep Q-Learning algorithm can surpass human performance by learning a technique called tunneling. This involves sending the ball to the sides of the wall so that it bounces around and the agent receives more reward with less work. The algorithm has been successfully applied to most of the 57 games tested, achieving a superhuman level of play in many of them.

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