let's make instagram casual again?


let's make instagram casual again? by amandamaryanna

In this video, the speaker discusses the "make Instagram casual again" movement and how it advocates for a more authentic and less curated feed. However, she notes that trying to be effortless is still performing and emphasizes the need for sincerity as an antidote to the fakeness and shallowness of social media culture. She also points out that it's impossible for influencers or those with a large following to be truly casual on the platform, and that the trend towards effortlessness is seen as rebellious to the highly curated influencer culture that previously dominated Instagram. The speaker reflects on her own Instagram presence and admits that she doesn't see much value in it, but puts more effort into her YouTube content.


In this section, Amanda discusses Instagram's decision to remove likes from its platform. She notes that while influencers and brands may not be happy about the move, it has allowed users to focus less on trying to achieve popularity through likes. However, despite the removal of likes, some skeptics remain unsure if this will solve the mental health issues associated with social media, as studies have shown that usage of social media platforms can lead to depression and anxiety. Amanda then introduces the "make Instagram casual again" movement, which advocates for a less curated, more authentic feed free of the pressure of conventional norms. Although this movement highlights the freedom of expression, it is itself an aesthetic in which many teens are intentionally making their photos look worse, with apps like Fujicam that mimic old school throwaway cameras being downloaded over 16 million times.


In this section, the speaker reflects on the resurgence of film cameras and disposable cameras being used for Instagram posts, which she finds paradoxical since film cameras only provide one chance to take each picture. She notes the movement to make Instagram more casual, rejecting the curated and perfect aesthetic of Instagram influencers for effortlessness. However, she argues that trying to be effortless is still performing, pointing out the irony in trying to manufacture authenticity and hide behind it. She emphasizes the need for sincerity as an antidote to the fakeness and shallowness of social media culture, and strives to make the "Make Instagram Casual Again" movement more than just a shallow facade.


In this section, the speaker discusses the idea of "making Instagram casual again." While it may seem like a good concept, the reality is that it's impossible for influencers or those with a large following to be casual on the platform. The act of having an audience means that it's impossible to have a one-on-one conversation and instead requires performing for the masses. Additionally, the face of the "make Instagram casual again" movement tends to be thin, young, white people who already fit society's standards of beauty. While presenting a more casual image may be seen as rebellious, it's still not attainable for many people, and ultimately, how one presents themselves on the app is their product. However, the new cool thing is effortlessness, which is seen as rebellious to the highly curated influencer culture that previously dominated the app.


In this section, the YouTuber reflects on her Instagram presence and admits that she doesn't really see the value in it. She acknowledges that having a lot of followers is good for business, but because she doesn't offer anything of substance, she's not sure why people would want to follow her. She characterizes her Instagram as an unimportant source of validation and a fear of being unknown. On the other hand, she puts more effort into her YouTube content, where she tries to offer her audience entertainment or knowledge. She is grateful that she has the luxury to reflect on these types of issues and sincerely hopes that her viewers enjoyed the discussion.

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