our experience as black medical students, chile...


our experience as black medical students, chile... by The-Chocolate-Docs

This video features two black medical students discussing their experiences in the medical field during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement. They express the challenges of speaking out about racism and microaggressions faced in the medical field and the difficulty of balancing stress and the need for a strong support system while being evaluated and graded. They encourage understanding and education on issues of systemic racism, advocating for healthcare professionals to take responsibility in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and promoting good hygiene practices. They also emphasize the importance of healthy coping mechanisms during the pandemic and encourage viewers to support businesses and organizations advocating for the movement while staying safe and wearing masks.


In this section, the two black medical students give an update on their lives since their last video, discussing how they have been coping with recent events such as COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. The students discuss the difficulty of speaking out about racism that they have faced their entire lives–though they appreciate support from classmates who ask what they can do rather than expecting the students to educate them–and how stressful it is to be in hospitals during this time when they're evaluated and graded. Personal stress and the lack of response from those around them compound this, making it even more important for them to have a solid support system.


In this section, the speaker expressed frustration about non-black people not checking in on her during a difficult time related to the Black Lives Matter movement. She noted that people want to use black individuals as the "voice" for all black people and that non-black people have the privilege of not needing to worry about the microaggressions that black individuals face. The speaker also discussed a negative experience with a patient who used her name as a slur and how frustrating it is to have to deal with these experiences as a black medical student. She talked about the mental toll that these experiences take and how it can negatively impact her studies.


In this section, the speaker reflects on the importance of being mindful and understanding that everyone's experiences are different. They acknowledge that it's not helpful to point fingers or blame, but rather encourage people to seek education on these issues and attempt to understand different perspectives. As black women, they express the exhaustion they feel from the different layers of fighting racism and the impact it has emotionally on them and their community. They emphasize the importance of healthcare professionals taking responsibility in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and promoting good hygiene practices. Overall, they want to remind viewers that they are not alone in the struggles they face and offer encouragement to stay strong in these challenging times.


In this section, the speakers address the importance of healthy coping mechanisms and not being too hard on oneself during the pandemic. They suggest various ways to relax and take one's mind off things, such as reading, listening to music, or doing yoga. They also mention the pressure to be productive all the time, which is not realistic, and encourage viewers to make little changes where they can and support businesses and organizations advocating for the movement. Finally, they remind viewers to stay safe, wear their masks, and stay tuned for their next video.

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