How AI Could Save (Not Destroy) Education | Sal Khan | TED


How AI Could Save (Not Destroy) Education | Sal Khan | TED by TED

Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, discusses the potential of AI to improve education by providing personalized AI tutors and assistants to every student and teacher. He presents Khanmigo, an AI-powered initiative that helps students interact with AI-powered tutors, historical figures, and literary characters, among others, and demonstrates how AI can improve writing and teaching by providing in-depth feedback and assisting in creating teaching plans. Khan argues that utilizing AI in education is an opportunity to overcome the "2 sigma problem" and accelerate education while acknowledging the associated risks and the need for proper regulations. Overall, he emphasizes the positive use cases of AI in enhancing human intelligence, potential, and purpose.


In this section, Sal Khan argues that rather than technology and AI being used by students to cheat in education, there is a way to utilize it towards the biggest positive transformation in education by giving every student and teacher a personal AI tutor and assistant. This he argues can be achieved by using AI tutors like Khanmigo that can record and moderate conversations, detect and identify misconceptions, and prompt students to explain their reasoning while providing helpful suggestions. Apart from math and programming, AI tutors can answer questions, quiz students, and connect ideas to other concepts, all whilst refining the performance of individual learners.


In this section, Khan Academy founder Sal Khan describes how AI can be used to improve education and provide students with academic, career, and life coaches. He discusses Khanmigo, an AI-powered initiative that allows students to interact with AI-powered tutors, historical figures, and literary characters, among other things. The goal of Khanmigo is to make learning more interactive and engaging, and to provide students with additional resources to help them improve their skills. Khan also demonstrates a reading comprehension AI prototype, which can ask students about certain parts of a passage and help them understand the author's intent.


In this section, Sal Khan discusses how AI can be used to improve writing and teaching. He demonstrates how AI can give students in-depth feedback on their work and guide them towards better writing. On the other hand, AI can also assist teachers in improving personalized learning and creating teaching plans, which saves time and energy while improving students' learning outcomes. He argues that using AI in education is an opportunity to address and overcome the 2 sigma problem, accelerating education as we know it. Khan also acknowledges that there are risks associated with AI, and we need to work together to put the proper guidelines in place.


In this section, Sal Khan emphasizes the importance of fighting for positive use cases of AI, while also regulating its use. He expresses his belief that the most powerful and poetic use of AI is to enhance human intelligence, potential, and purpose. If AI can be used to augment and support human intelligence, it has the potential to transform education and open up new opportunities for learning.

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